Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 12, 2010

Comparison and contrast essays

                                    Compare yourself now with the one 5 years ago.
Today is holiday, Sunday. When I woke up at six, it occurred to me that the weather outside was fine and I could go out all day. But then, I saw the piece of paper on my desk and I remembered I had a plan to meet my old friends. After some minutes thinking about events will happen, I suddenly remembered my old friends and me 5 years ago. I feel that I still keep my characteristics, but I have changed a lot appearance for five years.
I laughed to myself because I don’t lovely like I was before. 5 years ago, I was lovely girl who is liked by almost of boys who knew me. I have long black hair. Lots of another girl in my school admired and envied with me. They told that I wore a toupee. Now, I look terrible with bald. I let what little I have grown long and then spend it around. I hate my bald because I must spend half my life arranging it. I don’t know why I’m so sensitive about getting bald. I really fear to meet anyone. In addition, I didn’t wear near-sighted glasses 5 years ago. At that time, I always saw clearly whatever in front of me. I never thought I would wear glasses and they ought to. Even though most of students like the idea of wearing glasses because they think anyone looks like knowledge person wearing them.  As a matter of fact, I would look strange if I had my glasses on. I look like myself without them; I’d look funny within them. Moreover, after passing through serious accidents, I became ugly with scars on my face. I real suffered great misery. I felt that I was the best ugly person in the world that I never thought before.
Despite their differences, my habit is similar. I have a bad habit and that is to watch TV while I study my lessons. My parents have always reprimanded me for this fault of mine, but I’ve never listened. I’ve never been a very serious student. Somehow I just get by every time. When I came home from school, I put off my clothes, ate some snacks and took a shower. After I had dinner, I did my usual habit. I took some books out and sat in front of the TV set, turned it on and started studying. I know this bad habit of mine can’t go on forever. I’ve got to change at one time or another.
Comparing myself to what I was five years ago. I find out much differences rather than similarities. I don’t feel happier now than what I was before. Although I was disappointed and unhappy, I always believe that people will change and I will better than in the futures.

Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 12, 2010


The television is harmful for children.
Television, regarded as one of the greatest scientific achievement of the 20th century, attracts a large number of people every day. Everyone knows that much has changed since the days that television is invented, yet television has brought us lots of disadvantages, especially for children.
The television can be harmful to the physical and mental health of children. When children watch television frequently and indiscriminately, the effects can be detriment of eyes. The distance is too near make children wear near-sighted glasses then they will be serious myopia in the future. Because there are many programs and shows in the television is not good for children like programs for adults which contains of violence, crime and sexual, makes children do like that. Because a child is too young to aware what they should watch, so watching television is easy to have a bad influence on children’s behavior. Other people say that television display lots of programs which teach children important skills such as math, reading, problem solving and science. However, this program only occupies a small part. Almost children prefer to watch other programs than to watch knowledge programs. Some lessons show on the television has answer after a little time, so children become passive. Children don’t have time find out answers by themselves. In addition, television shows very quickly make children difficult to concentrate on a lesson. So, the best way is educate strictly children what to watch and how to watch.
And what is more, spending too much time watching television is a wasteful habit while children are supposed to learn their lessons or do their homework at the sometimes. Children use more time in front of a television means less time spent on homework. Besides, children usually interest in rather programs of television than lessons in the school; therefore, they fell discouraged from their lessons. Most of programs show in the television including of cartoons, shows, soaps, dramas and cop shows are a little education, so watching it is really a waste for children. Other view thinks that children watching television only to relax and entertain after studying hard. If parents manage time which is used to watch television by children, it is ok. However, we come face to face with reality that parents are too busy with their job, so they don’t have free time to observe their children. In addition, a child is easy to attract by unnecessary programs because they can’t control their desire. I think that student should spend time to study in the textbooks rather than to watch television.
Television is ok if you are careful at what you choose to watch and limit the time spent watching television. I hope that the television station will try to come up with more sensible and quality programs for children.


Should parents smack their children?
Smacking is a method which is used by parents to educate their children. When children make wrong something, their parents will smack them. They think that smacking will help preventing their children from bad behavior. From the old days until now, parents usual apply this method with their children like the best way to make the children develop in personally. Parents usually use smacking with children without caring about another method which is better than. So, do you think parents should smack their children? Smacking is good method to educate children, isn’t it? For me, I don’t think so. In my opinion, if parents smack their children, it will take shape lots of bad impression in the children’s mind .I believe that we have other methods which help educating children better than smacking children.
Smacking is a method which makes children avoid of bad behavior and action because they afraid of being smacked rather than well aware of something is wrong. When children make mistakes and don’t obey, their parents scold and smack them instead of giving advices, reminding, listening their thinking. Why don’t parents listening their children’s opinion and desire? Children claim money to nosh and play games, are in the habit of aping the grown-ups, lazy to go to school or mischievous who are spanked by their parents that demonstrate the parents is always right and the children are always wrong. Parents use smacking as an effective tool to punish their children. If the children don’t submit their parents, the parents will hit harder and harder until the children’s hand is so sore, and then the children accept for sorry. I think the best way is listening and helping them share their opinion and expectation. After that, parents explain for their children understand how a good behavior is and help them improve a bad or wrong action. However, most of parents say that “It is very difficult to explain verbally to a young child why something they have done is wrong”. Yes, it’s very difficult or say another way it is a challenge when parents want to help children develop their personally. Nonetheless, if parents love and respect their children from the heart, they can find out appropriate methods which help them more understand their children. In addition, don’t use smack not means use total verbally, when parents explain verbally to children who don’t understand, I think you need supplement some skills from books, newspaper or experience from others.
Smacking is an outdated form of punishment that can cause long-term physical and mental health problems. A children were more pessimistic and complex than those never hit by their parents because the impression of being smack make the children always afraid of doing something wrong. When parents smack their children, it usually leaves marks in the children’s body; therefore, the children feel ashamed in front of their friends. If smacking leaves marks is serious, children can’t make relationships with because they are inferiority complex. Besides, they don’t confide in their ability. They are very easy to accept another person’s ideals instead of wanting to effort to give their ideals. In addition, smacking cause negative effects such as antisocial behavior and mental development, violence and depression. But, some parents argued that “I can’t help smacking because I want children to remember their mistake a long time”.  Parents don’t know that smacking can lead children to develop behavior problems such as being more aggressive rather than remember mistakes because the children especially a child too young to aware of what should they study? Thus, children will easy to study how to hit other children and interact into other relationships with siblings and peers, and eventually a spouse and offspring. All this things are real dangerous for social. . So, effective way of teaching children is not to do something that is dangerous and hurtful to them.
I have never felt like I would like to smack a child even though I am not a patient person in the world. I think that we should spend time for children to educate them properly method, you don’t need to smack them.  I believe that family will be a training camp for teaching children how to handle conflicts without violence.

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 11, 2010


          Through history, there are many inventions appeared in the world. It’s changed our life. One of the big inventions is television. Television, regarded as one of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20th century, attracts a large number of people every day. Since the television was invented, it has helped us improve and simplify the life.
          Television is the most recently developed means of communication. First, in addition to its function of an effective medium in which government’s polices and nation’s law are wide spread, television allows us to see as well as hear the another news. Second, being to see visual images has greatly influenced human being’s perceptions of world events. Every day television programmes change our perceptions of life on earth. Third, television entertains us with its special programmes which can satisfy every taste. Finally, It also teaches us a lot of important things. In some countries, television is used to teach pupils and students many useful lessons, especially before the seasons of examinations. Besides, education from the distance has been developed in many countries, which help to transmit knowledge to home schoolers living in remote areas. The television has become such an integral part of homes in the modern world that it is hard to imagine life without television.
            The television as we see it and know it today was not always this way. Let’s take a brief look at the history of television and how it came into being. In the late 1800s, Paul Gottlieb Nipkow succeeded in sending images through wires with the help of a rotating metal disk. Around 1907, two inventors used the cathode ray tube in addition to the mechanical scanner system to create a new television system. From 1923 till 1931 the mechanical television system saw many innovations. All the early television systems were black and white, with color television being invented much later on.


My close friend!
        This morning, I went to school as usual. There are many people on the bus, I felt like a sardine in a can. There was nothing I could do but stand up. Everyone was pressing against each other. As the bus screeched to a halt everyone standing up was carried forwards. Then some people got off. There was an old woman who was already getting on the bus. She looked frail and was maybe in her 60’s. No one wanted to budge, until a young student stood up and offered his seat to her. He’s Binh, who is my classmate, is close friend, too.
        Binh is very good-looking. He is not very tall but not short either and he is quit thin. He is only over eighteen but he is well developed; so he is thought to be twenty or more. He has black hair, a broad forehead, broad shoulders, a hook- nosed, a small pointed chin and bright blue eyes. He is very good in rhythm, intonation and voice of English except some special words which he can’t pronounce correctly the first sound such as “verb” and “word”. However, he is still reputedly the foreigner by all of members in my class. Maybe, Binh's family is poor, so I usually see him wearing only an old jeans and old white T-shirt. But, he is good as one can see when he smiles.     
        Binh's house is near mine. He studied the same class with me when we studied at six grades; therefore, we became close friend. He doesn’t turn its back upon me in times of adversity or distress. He always receives me with the same kindness; amusing, instructing and consoling whenever I need. The hours spent to review the lessons together as he had coached me, produced me, all with a tack and patience that amazed me. He never belittled me for my lack of understanding, never commented when I missed one on the endless lists of things I had to memorize. He just ran through it again, giving me some memory tricks, and after the first two weeks, the course material that had seemed incomprehensible began to fall into place. He is always ready to help his weak friend not only in their study but also in their life
         In conclusion, Binh is very friendly and helpful. Besides, he has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody especially me. We have been friends for a very long time. And I am very happy to have him as my close friend. I hope that our friendship will last forever.


The first time I met someone who became important to me!
       A good book is often the best urn of a life. The best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. It is helpful for our life because it gives hope and encouragement. Besides, a good book can be a good teacher in our lives. One day, I met a person who became important to me like meaning of a good book.
      That was the weekend. It was being colder. I decided to have few hours walking around my village to buy a sweater. While I was walking around the store, I happened to see a foreigner who spoke something with the saleslady.  He was trying to explain what he wanted. However, the saleslady still didn’t understand what he said. Maybe, I have little knowledge about English, so I was curious want to know he talked about what. Mustering my courage then, I step to that store and translate to Vietnamese for saleslady. Fortunately, I didn’t misunderstand his ideas. After the man got his message across, he smiled with me and asked my telephone number. I was very happy to read my telephone number for him. From then on, we usually contact with each other.
    He helps me improve my English skills. First, we use English to talk every day, so he is easy to help me check my mistake about grammar, vocabulary forms and uses. The closest thing to speaking for us when he must come back his country is online chat. It is opportune for me to know more abbreviation. Besides, I have to think and respond quickly, so the vocabulary is used more flexible. Specially, he often gives me some documents, newspapers, books which he thinks it  is necessary and helpful for me. Therefore, I can learn many things outside my textbooks . Finally, he sometimes helps me in my lessons. He helps me easy to understand and learn difficult lessons. The attendance of him in my life that helps my English skills more and more progress.