Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

cause and effect

Environment consists of the land, water, and atmosphere in the earth. All of us know that we can never survive if the land, water, and atmosphere are seriously polluted. However, every hour of every day, the air, forests, soil, rivers, and oceans are becoming dirtier and dirtier at an increasing speed and are threatening our existence. So, what is the cause? There are mainly three causes for the air, water, and land pollution: the trash from factories, activities of people, and traffic.
First of all, I want to mention to the effects of factories to environment problems. Factories contribute to the problem because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fishes and make water unsafe for drinking. Furthermore, large amounts of untreated industrial waste liquids find their way into rivers and lakes and some factories just throw their wastes into the seas or let them flow into the rivers. When people drink the water from such rivers, they get poisoned. Besides, there is rubbish from ships, and even worse, when an accident occurs in an ocean, oil flows out from shipwrecked tanker. For another example, waste water keeps pouring into rivers and lakes; as a result, many water species are dying out. We cannot have fresh air in the morning mainly because of the poisonous smoke coming from factories, especially the chemical ones. Rivers, lakes, and even oceans all over the world are becoming polluted with garbage and dangerous chemicals from factories.
Traffic pours a great deal of smoke and soot into the air which makes the air unhealthy for people to breathe. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of smoke into the atmosphere. These smokes are very harmful, causing diseases and even deaths. Car fumes from smog over large cities, making the sky gloomy. Air pollution from cars is unbearable in many places. In additional, a great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobiles, trains, planes, and buses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Moreover, there is also carbon dioxide coming from the internal combustion engines of cars, lorries, and buses and too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents, and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution. Polluted air from traffic causes lung trouble and other diseases.
Everywhere we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed from activities which makes environmental pollution. Very normal, when a person read all information in the newspapers or use run out of water in a bottle. How many people throw them into a garbage can? People often drop litter in widespread effervescence over the environment. I think it is a serious threat to our life because it means poisoning the air, seas, rivers, and lands, and doing harm to our health. Moreover, when people use disinfectants, some fertilizer and other things in an excessive way, its vegetation such as animals in the sea or the fields may be destroyed. Moreover, the accumulation of rubbish in the streets may dirty the city and ruin our health. From all thing above, environment pollution is caused from the improper disposal of rubbish by people.   
There are many factors that bring pollution to us: trash, smoke, toxic chemical from factories, activities and traffic. Millions upon millions of tons of rubbish are dumped on the ground. Everyone agrees that environment pollution is a serious problem today. I hope people aware of environment problem and give proper method in order to protect our life.

Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 4, 2011

Process of holding a celebrate/festival in my hometown.

Every region has special traditions, holidays and customs of its own. In my hometown, the most interesting holiday for everyone is Tet. Tet or Tet Nguyen Dan means the first morning of the first day of the new period. Tet marks the beginning of a new year on the lunar calendar, and the beginning of spring. Tet is a huge celebration and usually lasts the three day. People enjoy themselves to holiday after a whole year’s hard work. And at the same time they wish for good luck in the coming year. There are three main parts in Tet holiday that are the preparation before New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s Eve and the New Year.

Several days before the New Year, people begin to prepare for its celebration. Families save money, pay off all debts and make amends to rid themselves of all bad feelings. The marketplace, stores and shops are very crowded with people before Tet because people buy food, drink, new clothes, flowers, and other necessary items of the holiday. Some families kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens to take meal and make earth cake, a square cake with beans and pork instead of buying them. At about 5pm o'clock in the final day of old year, all the markets close down so the people can go home and prepare for midnight when Tet begins. And all houses are often cleaned and decorated before New Year’s Eve with couplets on doors, flowers, and photographs of deceased relatives. It is believed that cleaning the house will get rid of the bad fortunes associated with the old year. Families choose a citrus tree, or tac, which is a cone shaped fruit tree with miniature oranges just ripening. The more fruit on the tree, the luckier the family. Greeting cards and good luck symbols are hung from the Tet trees. Each family also has a branch of the Mai tree in their homes, a symbol of spring, which bear lucky little yellow flowers. In addition, people believe that their deceased ancestors will visit the family for the holiday. Therefore, alters are decorated in the homes with a tray full of fruit, coins, and a tall vase of blossoms, incense. The atmosphere preparing for the Tet is usually bustling and interesting.

“Giao" means crossing, meeting. "Thừa" means successor. New Years’ Eve (Giao Thừa) simply mean the time between old and new year. After 12:00 of 30th Dec, it's the first moment of the new year. One member of the family will leave house to perform the Departure of the New Year. New Year’s Eve is the most sacred time of the year. Therefore, the first houseguest to a home is very important. If the first visitor has a good aura (rich, prestigious, happy, well respected, well educated, successful, famous, etc.), then the family believes that they will have good fortune that year. Usually this visitor is a relative, but sometimes the family will invite a special guest that they feel will bring them good luck. Besides, on the New Year’s Eve, family members gather together for a family reunion dinner. After the meal, they watch TV which was so exciting that Kitchen God Contest won warm applause from the audience. Until the clock strikes twelve, everyone continue sit in front of the TV to hear wishes Tet from President and watch fireworks on the TV. In addition, in my hometown, dragon dances and lion dances at night that is a typical tradition. It is also fun to take a walk in the streets, which look gay with bright flags and colored lights.

The New Year is a time for visits from family and friends. During the New Year days, people wear new clothes, have big meals, and go to varieties of entertainment. When you take a walk in the street, you will be much struck at sight of rich and beautiful decorations. For example, the color Red, symbolizing good luck and happiness is seen everywhere. The New Year includes three main days. The first day of Tet is reserved for visiting family and relatives. People are busy coming on a New Year’s visit to their relatives. Children often enjoy getting some luck money. “Happy New Year” is the usual greeting you would hear them say to each other. The second day is set aside for special guests and close friends to visit. They visit friends, coworkers, relatives and greet each other with the best wishes. When people meet each other, they exchange New Year’s greetings. Friends and relative pay New Year calls and give presents to each other. And the third day is for teachers and business associates to make a visit. Visitors end their visit with a farewell wish for the family such as, "I wish that money will flow into your house like water, and out like a turtle". The third day is also a day to visit the graves of deceased relatives. The graves are decorated with incense, flowers, and candles by their relative.

The old has ended and the new is coming. People in my hometown take extreme care to start the New Year out right. It is a time for rest and refreshment. There are also some parades in streets or at some big open space. Everywhere people are enjoying themselves to the full. I hope that any new year comes the atmosphere is also festive like that.

Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 4, 2011

Global citizen

“Global citizen” is a phase which is not strange with almost persons. When a person who is called a global citizen, we think immediately that he or she has a large number of relationships and communications with other countries. Besides, they are awareness that the world is a global community; they can bring world peace, concern for fellow human beings, human rights and human dignity. So, are you a global citizen? What measurements are needed? A global citizen must possess plenty of characteristics; but, three main important qualities of characteristics to become a global citizen are bravery, knowledge of one or more language, and responsibilities.
Bravery doesn’t require a global citizen to hurt and kill. However, if it’s necessary bravery person can hurt and kill terrible things. Have you ever asked yourself that you can brave to try to save life? Global citizens are risking their lives every day to help other citizens and to save them all from harm. They’re sense of protecting people from the risks even that actions can bring nothing for them. Specially, global citizen are always look for the benefit for everyone. For example, global citizens go where deadly disease is and are not afraid to help save the sick. Global citizens are trying perilous experiments so as to find out better knowledge for human race. Others on thousands of locomotives are not afraid of sudden death if they can save their passengers from harmful accidents. Global citizens are ready to face the strong floods and the storm to help flood victims. Global citizens stand ready to die for bringing little children safely out of burning buildings. Brave women risk their own lives daily for sake of others. Indeed, all these are brave actions and it is brave to try to save life. If you only speak theory you don’t brave to make it happen, you can’t do anything which is really useful for human race. Therefore, bravery is one of the important qualities to be a global citizen.

Next, foreign language plays important roles in becoming a global citizen. There are many practical reasons that a global citizen should learn foreign languages. Every country has different customs and cultures. Learning another language help a global citizen gains knowledge about another culture and easy to associate with all people in the world. When a global citizen learns a second language, he or she sees that there are other ways to see how issues to affect the environment such as population explosion, polluted level to every country, epidemiological and so on then they have foreign language to research lots of variety documents, directly discuss and unite with another in the world to find out proper solution for these problems. Perhaps the most powerful effect of learning another language is communication. With a second, or third, or fourth language, one can make contact with any fellow human being. Through communication, one sees that the human mind, keep in contact with other people, greater understanding of other cultures, better communication with other peoples that can help promote world peace. It is necessary for global citizen to learn the language in order to communicate with people who come from different countries and to learn from them.

Finally, global citizen must fulfill responsibilities to their life, their families, their country and the world. Global citizen’s responsibilities to their country are to be good citizens and to be patriotic. As good citizens, they should obey the laws of their country and respect its leaders. As patriots, they should be proud of our nation and loyal to its heritage. Good citizenship and patriotism require that global citizen put the interests of their country before their own individual desires. Global citizen’s responsibilities to the world are the most important of all. It is brotherhood, peace, and good will toward all men everywhere. Finally, it is need to remember that global citizen have to have a responsibility to the world they live in. It is important that global citizen learn foreign language to help people live peaceful with the other nations of the world, and to protect our environment. If they carry out these responsibilities, they will be respected citizens of their country. Therefore, responsibilities are necessary for global citizen.

Some people believe the world would be a far better place if we all believed we were citizens of the world. Being a global citizen involves brave actions, have knowledge about the many fields in the life and have responsibilities not just to each other but to the earth itself. I think everyone want to live a happy life in the future, so we start acting to become a global citizen who always bring good things for the life.

Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 3, 2011

3 bodies:Students’ life in the context of high inflation/ increasing price

First of all, increasing price influences to the students’ studying. Most of students are grown up in farming families. They can’t afford their studying fee, living fee, department fee or transportation fee. Therefore, they have to spend much time on working outside. A student’s energy is limited. If students spend too much time on his or her part-time job, they may lose their time needed for sleep, rest, study and recreation. Besides, they are difficult to focus on the lessons because they are tired and they want to sleep. When students have to work overtime in order to earn more money, they are not enough time for doing homework, preparing new lessons. If you get sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue the lessons. Moreover, some job may expose them to various social problems such as violence, dishonesty that may poison their minds. What is the indirect reason of these things? Increasing price causes bad effects on the quality of their study.

The second, students’ hobbies are interrupted by increasing price. Hobbies are activities which help one to maintain a mental and emotional balance. Example some hobbies like painting pictures, singing songs, performing on musical instruments, enjoying collecting stamps, going shopping, playing sports, and so on. If you don’t have money, you can’t do it. The increases fuel, gas and electric prices more than doubling since 2000 causes of less left-over income available to save. So, they don’t have lots of money for their hobbies. It is clear that hobbies are the foundation of one’s feelings and emotions. Therefore, if it’s failed, you will be easy to depress and be disgusted with anything in the life. All things above show that students’ mental is also affected by increasing price.

I think many people aware of the importance of health in the life. So, does increasing price impact on students’ health? How does it affect? Personal hygiene, proper nutrition and a good habit is good for your mind and body. But in increasing price life as if students are easy to escape from worries, anxieties, bad temper and have nutrients meals. In the past a few years, with money in the pockets which parents send to students every month, people can take whatever measures to see fit stay healthy or to improve their health and take in proper amount of vitamins, spend money for nutrients meals. Schoolboys have lots of time to do exercise each day to build their muscles. Nowadays, it is difficult to do like before. The cost of fuel, electric and gas have gone up; therefore, they must manage to pay for host before then they spend for the other items. In additional, students are easy to become unhealthy and thin because they don’t have money to buy food or drink such as fruits, vegetables, seafood and less red meat like beef and pork which is good for their health. Besides, the price of diagnosing and treating diseases was extremely expensive, they can’t afford to pay fee when they are sick and must go to hospital. That’s extremely dangerous. As can you seen, the increasing price hurts a lot about students’ health.

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 3, 2011

Power of writing!

                                 Power of writing

How many times have you been want to arrive at a certain time or place and then forgotten the exact details? Have you ever felt depressed, angry or upset over an incident or person and felt better after writing about it? Therefore, I think that before you write, the first question for writer always is, "Why am I writing?" "What is my goal for writing?" From things above, I want to give you some proofs to recognize the power of writing.

How is writing? Writing is the act of putting letters, symbols, numbers, or words on a piece of paper, on the wall or a computer screen or anywhere you can see and read. People have used many tools for writing including paint, pencils, pens, typewriters, and computers. Writing is used to express and explain ideas. . The primary purpose of writing is communication. Now, I will show two main purposes which express the power of writing.

First, writing can prevent mistakes and help remembering important things. The writing process includes prewriting, composing, revising, editing, and publishing. Moreover, writing has many rules including grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Therefore, writing helps detecting and returning errors. Example, you want to report on something for a program or plan, if you only speak you can’t know what wrong with your report. And, when you say mistake has probably happened more than once or twice in your life because when you talk you might forget what you say in your oral presentation However, writing can help clarify your message and record your ideas. Especially, you can explain concepts or ideas in greater detail and give the recipient a visual representation of your intended message. We can’t refuse the power of writing when information technology develop, the reports, documents, letters, texts ,entries in Blogs that are used until now. Writing something down helps us to remember the information details and much more effectively.

Second, writing is a great way to deal with your feelings. Writing can preserve our memories of the special people in our life. For instance, every times you write diary, literatures, reports or poetries journals, letters, and especially free writing you will express your feelings, attitudes, ideas, experiences, and needs. As a result, you are easy to reminisce about the wonderful romantic adventures and you share with a smile on your face… Other examples, a parent may also find comfort in reading the memoirs of their parents or grandparents or reading stories written by their own children. Or when you read the private diary of your brother, sister or teenager’s private diary, you discover lots of interesting things in it. In addition, you can answer this question to find out the power of writing. How many of us have spent hours reading all the carefully handwritten notes or love letters we have received over the years. All of them show that when you rescue your feeling by writing, you can develop total emotionally and physically.

Nowadays, the importance of writing has become even more evident with the increased popularity of literacy person. As you can see above, writing can be one of the best ways of communicating. It has power extremely big. If you observe carefully your life, you will realize that many pieces of writing have many other purposes.

Outline :Students’ life in the context of high inflation/ increasing price.

There are many problems which affect to students’ life such as relationships, jobs, activities and so on.
Increasing price is the most influence to students’ life.
There are many students who are affected negative in facing with increasing price.

Body 1:
Increasing price influences to the students’ studying.
-Most of students are grown up in farming families. They can’t afford their studying fee, living fee, department fee or transportation fee. Therefore, they have to spend much time on working outside.
-If students spend too much time on his or her part-time job:
+They may lose their time needed for sleep, rest, study and recreation.
+They are difficult to focus on the lessons because they are tired and they want to sleep. +They are not enough time for doing homework, preparing new lessons.
+If you get sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue the lessons.
+Some job may expose them to various social problems such as violence, dishonesty that may poison their minds.
What is the indirect reason of these things? Increasing price causes bad effects on the quality of their study.

Body 2
Students’ hobbies are interrupted by increasing price.
-Hobbies are activities which help one to maintain a mental and emotional balance.  Some hobbies:painting pictures, singing songs, performing on musical instruments, enjoying collecting stamps, going shopping, playing sports.
-The increases fuel, gas and electric prices more than doubling since 2000 causes of less left-over income available to save.
-They don’t have lots of money for their hobbies.
-It is obvious that hobbies are the foundation of one’s feelings and emotions.
-It’s failed, you will be easy to depress and be disgusted with anything in the life.
All things above show that students’ mental is also affected by increasing price.

Body 3
Does increasing price impact on students’ health? How does it affect?
-Personal hygiene, proper nutrition and a good habit is good for your mind and body.
-Students are easy to escape from worries, anxieties, bad temper and have nutrients meals.
-In the past a few years:
 +People can take whatever measures to see fit stay healthy or to improve their health and take in proper amount of vitamins, spend money for nutrients meals.
+Schoolboys have lots of time to do exercise each day to build their muscles.
+The cost of fuel, electric and gas have gone up; therefore, they must manage to pay for host before then they spend for the other items.
+Students are easy to become unhealthy and thin because they don’t have money to buy food or drink such as fruits, vegetables, seafood and less red meat like beef and pork which is good for their health.
+ The price of diagnosing and treating diseases was extremely expensive, they can’t afford to pay fee when they are sick and must go to hospital.
As can you seen, the increasing price hurts a lot about students’ health.

From what has been mentioned above, you will be easy to recognize the increasing price affects students’ life a lot both students’ qualities of studying and standard of living.

Four introductions:Students’ life in the context of high inflation/ increasing price.

Students’ life in the context of high inflation/ increasing price.

1. Relevant.
The increases fuel prices already have driven up utility bills nearly 30% in the past five years. The cost of electric and gas have gone up, more than doubling since 2000. One of the big changes in other commodities is the increase of price such as food (rice, milk, meat, fruit and vegetables, etc.), personal effects, learning tool, and so on. As result, many students have to work overtime in order to earn more money which is used to buy some books, spend on water and electricity bills. Others reduce spending; therefore they become unhealthy and thin. From what has been mentioned above, you will be easy to recognize that the increasing price affects students’ life a lot. In this article, we will find out how the increasing price affects students’ life.

2. Anecdote.
When I got up this morning I felt under the weather, with a bad headache, so I absented myself from my university and cooled my head with an ice-bag. As the temperature reached 39 degrees, I knew that I must go to hospital. I don’t have motorbike, so I have to take a bus. As you know the cost of taking bus were also 3,000 dong two months ago, it becomes 4,000 dong now. I went to hospital by four bus route. In additional, I usually go to school by bus. Therefore, you can see if it was 2 months ago I can save some money. Besides, the price of diagnosing and treating diseases was extremely expensive. I had to call for my friend borrowing money to pay. As can you seen, students who meet lots of difficulties to live in period that price increases rapidly. So, what do students do to manage their budget in increasing price?

3. Broad statement.
Nowadays, there are many problems which affect to students’ life such as relationships, jobs, activities and so on. However, I think that increasing price is the most influence to students’ life. Many students have to join part-time jobs or maintain the mark to earn money for school fees that impact to students’ studying. Others owe big money which they don’t afford to pay, so, they are easy to become bad person. The problem of increasing price is a world one. It is difficult to solve this problem. That is truth that there are many students who are affected negative in facing with increasing price.

4. Question.
Did you complain about increasing price? Have you ever heard about the word “inflation”? What is inflation? How does high inflation impact students’ life?  How is it measured? When you read this essay, you may be students or not. Although you are anyone, I think you always great care about students’ problems. Is that right? Today, I want to show you about the students’ difficulties when they face with high inflation.